Am I an upstanding citizen? I keep having this urge to shout my firm
conviction from the rooftops, but humbled by experience I am only too well
aware that my comments may go unheard, let alone that anyone would agree
with what I have to say. This is disappointing, I have to say. Moreover I
see fellow countrymen and women being slated even though their ideas and
opinions do not as such warrant this. However, this is not enough for a
clear conscience. We all knew, we were there when it happened, it would have
been impossible for us not to notice, but the question as to how to turn the
tide was as much of a mystery then as it continues to be today. Am I an
upstanding citizen for resigning to this? That is a question worth
pondering. Why don't you give it a go perched on a table - you'll be surprised.
The table my daughter had fabricated started out much more stunning.
Although I managed to salvage the top, the magic was all in the legs. Add
Morandi, Klaas Gubbels *) and Maria Montessori's dream together and the
result is the table legs that Roosje made. I would have preferred
photographing them, but I was too late: she had already rejected them and
insisted that I should make new ones, nicely tidy and sturdy please. And so
I came up with a pair of firm struttings. I can't help wondering though when
exactly the bourgeois soul starts stirring within the child …
*) the Dutch artist, who is well-known, among other things for his paintings
of deformed tables.